Academic grading in the Philippines

The Philippines has varied university grading systems. Most universities, particularly public institutions, follow the grade point system scale of 5.00 - 1.00, in which 1.00 is the highest grade and 5.00 is the lowest possible grade.


Grade point scale (5.00 - 1.00)

Adamson University Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence Letter Equivalence Description
1.00 97% - 100% A Excellent
1.25 93% - <97% A- Superior
1.50 89% - <93% B+ Average
1.75 85% - <89% B AVERAGE
2.00 82% - <85% B- AVERAGE
2.25 79% - <82% C+ AVERAGE
2.50 76% - <79% C PASSED
2.75 73% - <76% C- PASSED
3.00 70% - <73% D PASSED
5.00 <70% F FAILED
University of the East Manila and Caloocan Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence Letter Equivalence Description
1.00 98% - 100% A+ Excellent
1.25 95% - <97% A Excellent
1.50 92% - <94% A- Very Good
1.75 89% - <91% B+ Very Good
2.00 86% - <88% B Good
2.25 83% - <85% B- Good
2.50 76% - <79% C+ Fair
2.75 77% - <79% C PASSED
3.00 75% - <76% C- PASSED
4.00 70% - <74% D CONDITIONED
5.00 <70% F FAILED
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence
1.00 97% - 100%
1.25 94% - <97%
1.50 91% - <94%
1.75 88% - <91%
2.00 85% - <88%
2.25 82% - <85%
2.50 79% - <82%
2.75 76% - <79%
3.00 75% (having 3 subject with these grade will be out of the Pamantasan)
5.00 <75 failed
Quezon City Polytechnic University Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence Remarks
1.00 98% - 100% Excellent
1.25 95% - 97% Excellent
1.50 92% - 94% Very good
1.75 89% - 91% Good
2.00 86% - 88% Good
2.25 83% - 85% Satisfactory
2.50 80% - 82% Fair
2.75 77% - 79% Fair
3.00 75% - 76% Passed
5.00 below 75% FAILED
INC Incomplete
OW Officially Withdrawn
UW Unofficially Withdrawn
NGA No Grade due to Absences
Polytechnic University of the Philippines and Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence
1.00 97% - 100%
1.25 93% - 96%
1.50 92% - 89%
1.75 88% - 85%
2.00 84% - 81%
2.25 80% - 78%
2.50 77% - 74%
2.75 73% - 71%
3.00 70% - 60%
5.00 <60 failed
UP Diliman College of Engineering Standard Grading System
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence
1.00 at least 92.00%
1.25 88.00% to less than 92.00%
1.50 84.00% to less than 88.00%
1.75 80.00% to less than 84.00%
2.00 76.00% to less than 80.00%
2.25 72.00% to less than 76.00%
2.50 68.00% to less than 72.00%
2.75 64.00% to less than 68.00%
3.00 60.00% to less than 64.00%
4.00 58% to less than 60% (Conditional Passing by Removal or Retake)
5.00 less than 60% for Pass-or-Fail Courses (FAILED)
INC Unsatisfied Requirements (Incomplete)
DRP Course Dropped
University of the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, and Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Latin Honors. Most academic departments of the University of the Philippines follows the 70% passing rate.
Latin Honors Grade Point Equivalence Range
Summa Cum Laude 1.00 - 1.20
Magna Cum Laude >1.20 - 1.45
Cum Laude >1.45 - 1.75
Philippine Science High School Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence Description
1.00 97% - 100% Excellent
1.25 94% - <97% Very good
1.50 91% - <94% Very good
1.75 88% - <91% Good
2.00 85% - <88% Good
2.25 82% - <85% Satisfactory/pass
2.50 80% - <82% Satisfactory/pass
2.75 78% - <80% Unsatisfactory
3.00 75% - <78% Unsatisfactory
4.00 70% - <75% Conditional
5.00 below 70% Out

Warning status is earned if a PSHS scholar obtains a grade of 2.75 on a single subject before the last quarter. Failing grade is 2.75 instead of the usual 3.0. A student can only be kicked out (through academic means) if he/she attains a grade of 2.75 and below in one-third the total number of units for that year, a 5.0 in at least one subject, or has a GWA below 2.50.

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila also employ a specific grading category for retention. This system uses the General Weighted Average (GWA) per semester as a basis whether or not a particular student shall be retained at the course or college he or she is enrolled to. Some colleges have higher GWA requirement for retention, but most of them demands a GWA of at least 2.50 per semester. A few graduate schools, on the other hand, employ the Pass or Fail system.

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Grading Category for Retention
Status General Weighted Average
Good standing 1.00 - 2.50
Probationary status Below 2.50
Warning status 2.50 for two consecutive semesters
University of Santo Tomas Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence Description
1.00 96% - 100% Excellent
1.25 94% - <95% Very Good
1.50 92% - <93% Very Good
1.75 89% - <91% Good
2.00 87% - <88% Good
2.25 84% - <86% Good
2.50 82% - <83% Fair
2.75 79% - <81% Fair
3.00 75% - <78% Pass
5.00 Below 75% Failure
University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Civil Law and Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Latin Honors
Latin Honors Grade Point Equivalence Range Equivalence
Summa Cum Laude 1.00 - 1.50 92% and above
Magna Cum Laude 1.51 - 1.85 88.5% to 91.9%
Cum Laude 1.86 - 2.10 86% to 88.4%

Prerequisite for UST's Latin Honors or Dean's Lister distinction are the following: QPI should be at least 86%, no grade below 80% for any subject in the given semester, and the student should obtain a good moral character.

Centro Escolar University Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Remarks Equivalence
1.00 Excellent 98 - 100
1.25 - 1.50 Superior 92 - 97
1.75 - 2.00 Very Satisfactory 86 - 91
2.25 - 2.50 Satisfactory 80 - 85
2.75 Fairly Satisfactory 77 - 79
3.00 Barely Satisfactory 75 - 76
5.00 Unsatisfactory Below 70
Most common grading system of other colleges and universities:
Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence Description
1.00 96% - 100% Excellent
1.25 94% - 95% Superior
1.50 91% - 93% Very Good
1.75 89% - 90% Good
2.00 86% - 88% Very Satisfactory
2.25 83% - 85% High Average
2.50 80% - 82% Average
2.75 77% - 79% Fair
3.00 75% - 76% Pass
4.00 70% - 74% Conditional (Midterm Only)
5.00 70% and below Failing Final Grade
5A - Failure Due To Absences
5W - Withdrawal
INC - Incomplete
DRP - Dropped

Notable exceptions include De La Salle University & FEU-East Asia College, which follow the 1.000 - 4.000 grading system patterned after American universities. This system uses the 4.0 grade point equivalence as the highest grade, while 0.0 grade point equivalence is considered the lowest possible grade. 0.0 grade point equivalence is considered a failing mark.

Grade point scale (1.000 - 4.000)

De La Salle University & FEU-East Asia College Grade Point System
Grade Point Equivalence Description Equivalence
4.0 Excellent 97% - 100%
3.5 Superior 93% - 96%
3.0 Very Good 89% - 92%
2.5 Good 85% - 88%
2.0 Satisfactory 80% - 84%
1.5 Fair 75% - 79%
1.0 Pass 70% - 74%
0.0 Fail Below 70%
De La Salle University-Manila Latin Honors
Latin Honors Grade Point Equivalence Range
Summa Cum Laude 3.800 - 4.000
Magna Cum Laude 3.600 - 3.799
Cum Laude 3.400 - 3.599

Other universities, such as the Ateneo de Manila University and its sister schools, use the letter grade system with varied grade equivalence range.

Letter grade system

Ateneo de Manila University Letter Grade System
Grade Point Equivalence Letter Grade Equivalence  % Equivalence
4.0 A 92% - 100%
3.5 B+ 87% - 91%
3.0 B 83% - 86%
2.5 C+ 79% - 82%
2.0 C 75% - 78%
1.0 D 70% - 74%
0.0 F below 70%

Most academic departments in the university follow a grading system with the 70% passing grade. Some departments, such as the Department of Finance and Accounting and departments from the Ateneo School of Science and Engineering follow a 50% or 60% passing grade.

Ateneo de Manila University Latin Honors
Latin Honors Grade Point Equivalence Range
Summa Cum Laude 3.87 - 4.00
Magna Cum Laude 3.70 - 3.86
Cum Laude 3.50 - 3.69

More importantly, Philippine universities do not have standard grade equivalence. Different universities have varied equivalence range, while passing grades are subject to imposed academic quality of an institution.

International School Manila Letter Grade System
Grade Point Equivalence Letter Grade Equivalence  % Equivalence
4.0 A 94% - 100%
3.7 A- 90% - 93%
3.3 B+ 87% - 89%
3.0 B 83% - 86%
2.7 B- 80% - 82%
2.3 C+ 77% - 79%
2.0 C 73% - 76%
1.7 C- 70% - 72%
1.3 D+ 67% - 69%
1.0 D 63% - 66%
0.7 D- 60% - 62%
0.0 F below 60%

See also